What are the Social impacts of Covid19 pandemic ?
Covid19 is the worst problem, the modern world is facing. Almost all the countries have been affeced due to this.
It has impacted all the sections of the society.
It is of highly infectious nature.
To contain its spread, and to save the people from this lethal enemy, lockdown has been imposed.
Under this lockdown, the wheel of the economy has stopped.
It has created a huge unemployment. The labours have stranded in the cities, as the tranportation facility is suspnded.
They and their family are facing the problems of essential goods, though the government is providing these essentials, but the large population, and limited supply is the issue in front of that.
The communal harmony is been disturbed due to ignorance of some people.
The social warriors i.e. Doctors, Police personnel have also faced problem due to non-responsible behaviour of these people.
The vulnarable sections of society are the worst impacted.
Under lockdown, some cases of Domestic violence have come.
The Elderly person of society are on the major risk due to their low immunity. The major number of death are of the elderly people only.
People living in slums are facing the problem of scarcity of the essentils and health facilities as they can-not practice the quarantine, if infected with virus.
But with all these problems, this pandemic has some positive impacts also.
Some philanthropic people of society have come ahead to help the affected people.
It has not only strengthened the social harmony, but also made the burden low on the government.
The natural resources are reported to be clean and pollution free.
As the Ganga river and Ozone layer have been reported to be healed. Pollution level in envirnmrnt is measured low as compared to pre-pandemic level.
Hence, it is true that,this pandemic has badly impacted the society, but still the Society has to learn some lessons from it, so that post-pandemic life be better than what is expected as of now.
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